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Why Modern Surf?

Modern Surf’s Mission is to manufacture quality products, designed with precision. Our goal is to give our customers the classic styles they’re familiar with, while utilizing the newest carbon fiber technology to give you the extra edge in performance. We make products that look good and perform well to give you the newest advantage.

Why Carbon Fiber?

Carbon Fiber makes our products lighter and more durable to help you push the boundaries of your sport.

Not only do our products look beautiful with the carbon fiber, but they ride faster, lighter, and can take a hit so you can take the waves you originally would pull out of.

This leads to quality products that are meant to last you longer than your regular fiberglass surfboard.

How did Modern Surf come to be? 

During the 2020 quarantine, a few college students simply wanted to start by making a carbon fiber surfboard. Once the potential of carbon fiber surfboards was realized, we came together to start Modern Surf in an attempt to create a brand of our own.

Getting people all over Southern California to work together to create our own surf brand has been a challenging and rewarding process. We are all young, driven, young adults, looking to make a name for ourselves in the surf and business worlds.

We believe that we have a product that can help make a change in the world of surfing, to help push the boundaries of the sport. Our main goal is to innovate, and create the future of surfing in today’s day in age. 

What is the inspiration for the artwork?

The inspiration for our artwork is a blend between traditional styles with progressive designs. We value the balance between the old and the new, so our art portrays our reverence to the classic styles of surf culture, while looking to push boundaries of surf and style.

Just as we want people to look twice at our unique boards, we want people to look twice at our art so we that we set ourselves apart from other brands.